A wet look tile sealer is a protective treatment that offers excellent water- and stain-resistance, while also darkening the stone’s natural colour to give an enhanced ‘wet look’.
The wet look tile sealer is a penetrating ‘enhancing’ sealer, which sits inside the surface of the stone and grout without changing the slip coefficient of the surface. It is important to note that while the surface will look wet, the sealer application does not add shine or slipperiness to the stone. It simply enhances the colour.
This treatment has brilliant results, especially on honed or textured surfaces that would have deeper colour in a polished state. It is often used when clients are using a polished version of a stone inside, and a honed or flamed tile outside, as it makes sure the two textures have a similar depth of colour.

The colour enhancement enriches the natural colour of the stone – charcoal colours turn black, light green turns dark green – however white does not change at all. If you want to see what the stone would look like with an enhancing sealer the best indication is to simply wet the stone. Make sure to dry off the surface water as this gives the stone a shine which is not indicative of the final result.
Obviously there is a small difference between the look of the wet stone and the wet look sealer application, but the only way to tell the proper result is to complete a sample. This is always recommended as enhancing sealers are extremely hard to remove, so it is an irreversible process.
Wet look tile sealers generally provide fantastic looks and performance, but they are more problematic with application issues. Slique has had to fix many problems with DIY or trade-applied enhancing sealer applications over the years, as sealer surface residues are common and create a lot of issues. For this reason we do suggest professional application, or at the very least if set on DIY make sure the sealers instructions are explicitly followed. Slique offers a 100% money-back guarantee on all our wet look application services.